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Picture from National Coming Out Day |
What is Spectrum?
Spectrum provides a social and political atmosphere for Alfred's gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered students. We meet once a week and organize social activities, share experiences, take trips and build political agendas.
Wednesdays @ 6pm
(multiculcultural suite - powell campus center)
OCTOBER 30th, 2002
AU Alumni Relations with Spectrum will soon be forming an Alumni GLBT organization. Shawn Allan (02) and Dr. Vicki Eaklor (Spectrum Advisor) met with a member of the Alumni Relations Office last week. They discussed the purpose of the group and how it could be organized. Allan, who will graduate in December, said that "The organization will be a great recourse for students and alumni. Alumni want to know what's going on and students want to know what went on."
This organization may also help Spectrum develop more of a History. Recently Allan discovered that the first Gay/Lesbian organization at Alfred was established in 1972.
Also many Spectrum Alumni have gone on the found other Organizations such as The National Lesbian and Gay Journalist's Association and the first car club specifically for gay men that love cars.
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Our presentation of the Rocky Horror Picture Show raised $150 for the production of QUILT. |
By the end of 2001 an estimated 40 million people were living with HIV. A further 5 million new infections are predicted by the end of 2002. Figures like these make it seem like AIDS is winning. But all over the world, people like you are making a difference.
So wear the Red Ribbon. Ask us about HIV and AIDS. Volunteer your time or make a donation, however small, however large, to your local HIV/AIDS organisation. Because lives depend on it.
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